Life around the world

Friday, 3 April, 2015 - 07:35

Happy Easter!

by RosemaryM

As a self-confessed chocoholic, I love Easter. For me, it is an event which really signals the start of springtime. The weather tends to improve (although this year that doesn't seem to be the case in the UK!) and if you head to the countryside you will see lots of lambs in the fields. Flowers begin to bloom and the trees have leaves on them again.

Traditionally, Easter was a religious festival. For Christians, there are several important events which we remember over Easter weekend. On Good Friday (the Friday before Easter Sunday), we remember the crucifixion of Jesus. It is also commonly referred to as "Fish Friday" as people would traditionally eat fish (and not meat) on this day. On Easter Sunday, we remember how Jesus rose from the dead. When I was younger, I would go to church with my mother and sister. Whilst my mother listened to the service, my sister and I would go to Sunday school; this is a class for children, which teaches them about Christianity through crafts and stories. 

Nowadays, Easter has become rather commercialised. Shops across the UK will stock a wide range of Easter products: chocolate eggs, rabbits, chicks and more. The most iconic Easter product in the UK is considered to be the Cadbury's Creme Egg. This is a small chocolate egg, approximately the size of a hen's egg, with a gooey fondant centre. Many people give Easter eggs to their friends and family. As Christmas has Father Christmas, so Easter has the Easter Bunny: young children believe that their eggs are delivered by this character. 

Usually, I spend Easter weekend in Wales with my family; much like Christmas, Easter is a chance to spend time with family and loved ones. This year, my family are coming to visit me in France. Here in Colmar, the Easter markets are opening today - these are a springtime version of the Christmas markets, with lots of handmade products available to buy. The local bakeries also have lots of baked goods created just for Easter, including cakes in the shape of lambs. Happy Easter everyone!

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Do you celebrate Easter? 

Submitted by mariaaria on Wed, 05/05/2021 - 14:02

Yes, I do. I celebrate Easter every year with my family. But I have never baked Easter cake, we usually buy it. Happy Easter everyone!

Submitted by eanglish1234 on Wed, 04/08/2020 - 07:59

I spend Easter with my family. My favorite part of the day is when my mom and I are baking cakes and decorating baskets. Then my brother and I make Easter eggs. In the morning we go to church and then we sit at the table and eat Easter breakfast.
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