Most people when visiting England will go to London. In fact most people don't even know much about England outside of London. It makes sense, it’s the capital, there’s lots to see there. However as a northern girl, from a place just between Manchester and Liverpool, and a university student in Sheffield, I’d say the north is well worth a visit, and definitely as good if not better than London! Here’s five reasons why:
1) Friendliness: Northerners will chat to you on the bus, say hello in the streets and won’t think you’re crazy if you smile at them when you walk past. Friendly northerners might also call you “duck” or “love” – don’t worry, they call everyone that.
2) Gravy: Now although Southerners have gravy (a delicious meaty sauce that goes well with everything), they don’t do it properly. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried chip-shop chips swimming in gravy.
3) Beautiful Countryside: We have the Peak District, and the Lake District. They’re both absolutely beautiful and definitely worth a visit. We also have some pretty amazing beaches too.
4) Excellent Party Cities: We have Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield … You can’t go wrong if you want to go on a night out here.
5) Cheap: and the same night won’t cost you anywhere near as much up north! In London you can pay over £5 for a pint, which is outrageous! For some reason, everything up North is cheaper, from food to drink to getting around, you can’t go wrong when you’re spending less money.
There’s lots of lovely things to see in the North, so if you can brave the weather being a bit colder and wetter, it’s definitely worth a trip.
Have you ever visited the North of England? What did you think?