St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, meaning that he is the saint that represents Scotland. On 30th November the people of Scotland have a national bank holiday. Most people get a day off work and have a day out with their families to celebrate the best of Scottish culture with traditional food, music and dance. Some schools host special events with activities for students and families relating to everything Scottish. It is also an official flag day – a day where the Scottish flag, the Saltire, is flown over all buildings that have a flagpole. Celebrations are held throughout the country, with the biggest in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
So, what small bits of cultural trivia can I give you about Scotland? Well, here are three common national symbols that we have:
The kilt
When people think of Scottish clothing, many think of men wearing skirts. These skirts are actually called 'kilts'. Kilts are formal clothing made of wool and that feature the wearer's family tartan pattern and colours. The kilt comes with a 'sporran' which is pouch which hangs around your waist and is worn with knee-high socks and a formal jacket. Kilts are mainly worn at weddings or other formal occasions but there are some people who continue to wear them daily. There are also some army units who wear kilts.
One of the most traditional foods of Scotland is the haggis. It is a national dish and although it may sound disgusting, it is my favourite dinner. I always eat it when I go home. It is a savoury pudding that is made with the heart, liver and lungs of sheep. These are put in either sausage casing or the sheep's stomach with onion, spices and salt. It is left cooking for three hours in hot water.
Irn Bru
Launched in 1901, Irn Bru is a fizzy drink like Coca-Cola or Pepsi but it is made in Scotland. It is bright orange in colour and has a unique flavour. It is the most popular soft drink in Scotland and no matter how difficult it is, I can always find somewhere abroad that can sell me a can. It tastes like home.
Does your country have any national symbols?