So I’ve reached that point in my year abroad where it’s all coming to an end. My work contract ends this month and I’ll be leaving for good at the beginning of June. I cannot express how quick the time has gone and how the year has probably been (cliché warning) the best year of my life. This isn’t because I’ve done amazing, extravagant things every day of my time spent here. It’s because it has undoubtedly been the most valued experience I’ve ever had.
But whilst I’m concentrating on finishing work, packing up and getting all my stuff back to the UK (not sure how that one is going to work out!) I’ve come to think of the friendships that I tried so hard to make when I first came to France. Will I keep in contact with these friends? Or will I get too caught up with day to day life once I’m back in the UK, working hard in my final year of University?
Okay, so the latter is unlikely but it is possible. When I arrived everyone was very keen on making friends and meeting new people but as time goes on this phases out and you realise that some people you just don’t click with. On the plus side though, you also realise those who you really do click with and you know that the year is going to be one you will remember, together, forever. It’s those few people, who although 6 months ago you knew nothing about, have come to be your best friends and have supported you through the ups and downs of year abroad life (trust me, there are many!). For this reason, I know that a few of those people I will keep in contact with. We may be departing soon, back to our normal lives, all over the UK but even though it may be the end of our year abroad it will not be the end of an era.
How do you feel when you have to leave friends and make new ones?