Avocado’s recent popularity growth is hard to ignore. As I’ve recently discovered from my recent trips around Europe (Germany, Denmark and Poland), avocado is enjoying popularity beyond my native England. It is now on offer in most cafés and restaurants, especially when paired with poached eggs to create a delicious breakfast/lunch (otherwise known as brunch). On my recent trip to Berlin I was delighted by avocado chocolate cake which seemed like a healthier and more nutritious option than the normal version. I bought it in a vintage bike café by the Brandenburger Tor. I tried it and it was delicious. Another day I went to a place called Silo coffee where the menu also offers avocado in all shapes and forms. My combination of toast, avocado, tomato jam and hummus was fantastic. It got me thinking: is this avocado craze justified by scientific facts? So I decided to do a bit of research: what health benefits does avocado have to offer?
Well, there are quite a few reasons why avocado is described as a ‘superfood’. Avocado is packed full of important vitamins and minerals. It has numerous health benefits. In many ways it helps us stay beautiful. It helps our digestive system which means it aids weight loss. It keeps our skin looking healthier and younger and our hair strong. It also has positive impact on the inside of our bodies! It helps prevent heart disease because it helps us maintain low cholesterol levels. It also strengthens bones and helps our blood sugar levels stay at a healthy level.
So here we are. Keep eating avocados – they’re not just a health fad. They’re here to stay and their benefits are undeniable.
Do people eat avocado in your country? Do you like it?