So, it’s nearly Christmas. Honestly, I cannot believe it. I also cannot believe I’ve been living away from home, in a foreign country, for nearly three months.
October, my first month in France, was taken up with finding a place to live, training for my job, and then starting my job. However it wasn’t long before the school holidays came along. This gave me some time to visit Spain, where my girlfriend is currently living for her Erasmus placement. After spending Halloween in Spain, November was a return to the work routine. I did feel lonely at times, but Skyping my girlfriend, and my parents, made me feel better. At the end of November there was another treat - my mum came to visit me! We had fun eating out in restaurants and visiting a museum in Périgueux. Then we went to see the Christmas market and lights in nearby Bordeaux.
Now, it’s December. I only have one week of work left. Very soon I’ll be flying home. It will be so nice to see the Christmas tree and decorations in my house, and to catch up with family and friends. I’m then returning to Spain to spend New Year with my girlfriend there! So there won’t be much time to relax!
People have asked me, “What do you do in your spare time?” The honest answer is I don’t know! My working days pass so quickly; I spend time on the train travelling to and from work. When I get home after work, I have to cook dinner and prepare for the next day. By that time, it’s normally time to go to bed! On my days off, I have to go food shopping, do lesson planning, clean my room, and keep in contact with friends and family. So the weeks do pass very quickly. I’m just getting used to the routine of work and life here, but I will be so happy to be back at home, soon!
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How do you stay in contact with friends and family when you’re away from home?