I have always been a big fan of music but to be honest, I don't know anyone who has ever overtly disliked it. And that’s why it’s one of life's true delights, because it can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone. With films, you need to understand what is being said and with books, you need to be able to read, but music has no boundaries, no prerequisites and is accessible for all. I don’t think there are many things in life that have such a direct and visible impact on someone’s mood. Obviously there are some people who are less bothered by music, and of course it depends on what sort of music they’re into, but watching someone react when they hear one of their favourite songs is actually the best thing ever.
Personally, I’m a big disco/soul/funk kind of girl. I like to just call it boogie music because for me, I don’t see how you can’t not dance when you hear it. It instantly changes my mood and you can see it in my face straight away (I’m that idiot bounding down the street with their headphones on and a great big smile on their face). But I don’t care, because music makes me feel good and has the power to join you with other people in this shared moment where exchanging words isn’t necessary.
I think music has such an impact on people because it taps into their feelings and always carries a story. And I don’t just mean in the lyrics but in the history of where the genre has originated from, how it’s evolved over time, who performs it, who listens to it. Everyone who partakes in experiencing music develops the story that bit more and winds it into a page of their own story.
Discovering new styles is a great way into a new culture. I’m currently in Madrid and have been enjoying salsa and reggaeton which are historic here but thanks to La Movida Madrileña, there’s a huge array of genres and clubs. From disco at Bogui to house at Mondo, techno at Sala Sol and salsa at Son, Madrid has it all. So wherever you’re living right now, I recommend you to get involved in the music scene and you might stumble across something you really love, or at the very least, you’ll partake in something special with other people.
How important is music in your life?