Do the preparation exercise first. Then read the text and do the other exercises.
Study problems – help is here
Ask E-tutor
Hi! I’m E-tutor, or Emma. I’m here to help with any study-related problems, whether big or small.
Post a message on the forum below.
What should I say to my sister?
Hi, E-tutor. Unfortunately, I share a bedroom and a desk with my elder sister. She continually distracts me because she's noisy and disorganised. I think she's disrespectful. I’ve got exams in a fortnight and I desperately need to revise. I can’t concentrate when she’s studying too and the desk is always overflowing with stuff so I can’t find anything. If I try to have a dialogue with my sister, she gets annoyed. Can you help?
Re: What should I say to my sister?
Hi, Meg. That’s a common complaint between siblings. Why don’t you discuss a rota system so that you use the desk at different times? Or maybe you could study at the local library, cultural centre or community centre a few days a week. Make sure you’ve got storage space for everything on your desk: folders and containers for your paper and stationery. If everything has its own place, it will be easier to keep orderly. It might even be enjoyable to do this together. If it’s easier to write instead of talking face to face, try messaging her and explain how awful you feel.
Against the clock
My problem is time – or lack of it! Next month I’ve got 12 exams in three weeks. How can I possibly study for all of them? It’s complicated. I think it's impossible.
Re: Against the clock
Hi, Rudy. It isn’t impossible but you DO have to get started NOW. Make a study plan and highlight periods of study time for each subject. Make a detailed plan for this week and then do the same for the weeks ahead. It’s better to study for an hour or so a day than just once a week, all day. Your brain needs time to process information.
My problem is silly and a bit embarrassing. I just find it hard to study. I always stop and start and I keep getting the impression that I’m learning the wrong things. I’m a disaster. I don’t think you can really help me.
Re: Disaster
Hayley, your problem isn’t silly at all! It's very real and lots of people experience the same thing as you. Sometimes things improve if they join a study group. Set up a group and meet a couple of days a week after school to study together. Take turns to give presentations and teach other what you know. It's called 'peer teaching' and is an effective and efficient practice for lots of students.
Have you got any study problems or tips to share?