Do the preparation exercise before you listen. Then do the other exercises to check your understanding.

Previously on The Survivor ...
Ambulance driver: There's someone here. Oh my gosh. We've got a survivor here!
Radio: Witnesses say they saw the plane take off and then crash into a nearby field. There are reports of two people dead, and one in critical condition.
Nurse Bryson: My name is Jenny Bryson. I'm your nurse ... You're very lucky, you know. Not everybody can survive a plane crash. And here you are. You're the only survivor, in fact.
Two months before the plane crash …
Agent Sanders: Welcome to the Bureau. This is the Bank Robbery Department, where all the action happens. I'm Agent Sanders. Have you got your things? Yes? Good. Let's go then.
Agent Kowalski: Yes, thanks. It's not my first day, you know.
Agent Sanders: I know. I read your file. You were in another department for five years before this. You worked mostly in an office. Behind a desk, right? Well, this is going to feel quite different. This is a big promotion for you. You're going to be out in the field now. Out on the street with all the bad guys.
Agent Kowalski: Yes, Agent Sanders. I'm happy to be here. Just a quick question: who am I working with?
Agent Sanders: You're working with me. I'm your partner and, for the moment, I'm also going to be your boss. Are we all clear on that?
Agent Kowalski: Yes. Crystal clear. Of course, I just didn't think …
Agent Sanders: You just didn't think what?
Agent Kowalski: Nothing. So, what are we going to do today?
Agent Sanders: Well, as I said. This is the Bank Robbery Department of the Bureau.
Agent Kowalski: Yes.
Agent Sanders: So today we are going to catch some bank robbers!
Nurse Bryson: Good morning, Jane! And how are you this morning? ... You have a visitor, Jane, Agent Kowalski, from the FBI. I don't understand why they need to be here now, but he said he had to see you. I won't let him bother you though too much, OK? ... Now, I told you that she shouldn't be disturbed. She's still asleep.
Agent Kowalski: Thank you very much, ma'am. I'm afraid I have to see her though. I won't be long.
Nurse Bryson: Just don't you bother my Jane.
Agent Kowalski: Jane?
Nurse Bryson: Yes, Jane Doe. It's the name we gave her ... We don't know her real name.
Agent Kowalski: How is she?
Nurse Bryson: Well, you should ask the doctor. She is very lucky to be alive. She's in a coma, but her brain doesn't show any sign of damage and her body is healing.
Agent Kowalski: Can she hear us?
Nurse Bryson: We don't know. They say that some people like this can hear everything. Other people can't hear anything. We don't know.
Agent Kowalski: Did she have anything with her? Where are her things?
Nurse Bryson: She only had some clothes on when she got here. No identification or purse. No phone.
Agent Kowalski: I'm going to have to take her fingerprints, OK?
Nurse Bryson: Well ... OK. If you must.
Agent Kowalski: I'm afraid so.
Nurse Bryson: So ... was she on the plane?
Agent Kowalski: We found her very near the place where the plane crashed, yes.
Nurse Bryson: But was she a passenger? The doctor told me there were only two people on the plane. They were both men. They are both dead.
Agent Kowalski: Erm ... I'm not really allowed to say any more. That should be enough. Thank you, Nurse ...
Nurse Bryson: Bryson. Nurse Bryson.
Agent Kowalski: Well, Nurse Bryson. That will be all for today. If she wakes up, will you please let us know?
Nurse Bryson: Of course.
Agent Kowalski: Actually, could you please give my colleague your details? Name, phone number, just for the record.
Nurse Bryson: OK ...
Agent Kowalski: Just go outside for a moment and see my colleague. His name's Scott. He's just outside.
Nurse Bryson: I can't really leave the patient here alone ...
Agent Kowalski: She won't be alone. I'll be here, I just need to make a couple of notes.
Nurse Bryson: OK, then ...
Agent Kowalski: 'Jane Doe', huh? ... You can hear me, can't you? ... I know your real name, Agent Sanders ... I'll see you around, Jane. Wake up soon.
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